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Sigla: Inuyasha - Deep Forest

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    Post: 5
    Registrato il: 01/05/2006
    Sesso: Femminile
    UTENTE Topmanga
    New Entry
    00 01/05/2006 19:42
    Ciao a tutti! [SM=g27827]:
    Avrei una domanda, qualcuno sa dirmi dove trovare il testo di una sigla? E' una delle sigle finali di inuyasha: Deep Forest (versione inglese magari).

    Grazie in anticipo! [SM=g27811]
    Post: 5
    Registrato il: 01/05/2006
    Sesso: Femminile
    UTENTE Topmanga
    New Entry
    00 03/05/2006 19:35
    mm... beh l'ho trovata io, se ad altri interessa la riporto qui:

    Deep Forest

    Go on with the lives
    and lose those fears behind
    Rapture on the lives
    Stand there voiceless
    Want to live alives
    Until we find a way
    Searching for the light
    For eternity

    Do the best and changin'
    and moving' around
    That the colours of the sky
    Sure remain the same
    As we used to know
    Every single day

    Could we still seen it with we there
    Could we seen it
    It is beware, little

    Go on with the lives
    and lose those fears behind
    Rapture on the lives
    Stand there voiceless
    Want to live alives
    Until we find a way
    Searching for the light
    For eternity

    Ciao! [SM=g27827]:
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